Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This is an assignment from Wyatt's advanced figure drawing class. Anthropomorphism was the goal, which is the attribution of human form or behavior to a deity, animal, nature, etc. To be honest, I hadn't a clue what to do for this project. Since a good portion of my work recently had been themed 40's - 50's (including the ink drawing on the X Ray Smile band poster)  I decided to research classic pin-ups. Sifting through all this images of women so "beautiful and dainty", I found the most similarity in a bird. (...don't ask what kind, because I just drew it and honestly have no idea) It seems to look much like the ones that chirp right outside the window on a daily basis, so I suppose that's where I drew inspiration from.
Eventually, my anthropomorphic creation became what you see above. I used pen, ink, and a variety of cool gray markers. I don't typically work in ink, let alone markers so the rendering was a slightly bigger challenge than usual. I also tried to place emphasis on different line weights in certain areas of the drawing. I plan to include this in an anthropomorphic pin-up series over spring break, featuring a variety of birds and classic as well as original pin-up poses. Ideas, suggestions-please share! and Thanks to Wyatt for such a cool assignment! 

If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.  Toni Morrison 

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